Kanye West Tells Elon Musk He Developed Autism From a Car Crash - Breaking Down Kanye's Long Text to Elon

Daily Mail - Kanye West told Elon Musk that he is not bipolar but does have 'signs of autism' from a car accident in leaked text messages.

The 46-year-old artist - who recently had a gig in Italy cancelled due to protests from war veterans - asked longtime confidant Ian Connor to post screenshots from text messages he had allegedly sent to the 52-year-old X (formally Twitter) boss.

As Kanye was banned from Elon's social media platform in December 2022, he was seemingly pleading for another chance while explaining himself in a long ranting  message.

Perhaps the most eye-opening part of the text was when the Through The Wire hitmaker said: 'I'm not bi polar.

'I have signs of autism from my car accident.'

I don't really have too much of a take on this. It's hard to even have a take on anything Kanye does. He's a crazy person. To try and get inside his head and come up with a reason for the things he does would be futile. But I really liked this headline. It has all the key words you need for a blog. Kanye West + Elon Musk + Autism. The Big 3, if you will.

I'm not a doctor. I don't know much about Autism. I've just been told that "it's a spectrum", and according to the internet anybody with even 1 tiny quirk has a severe case of it. 

So based on that much, I guess Kanye qualifies. He sent Elon Musk a whole fun text about it. He texted Elon about a whole mess of fun topics actually. He has beef with him, and he's calling him out for it both privately and publicly. Let's break it down.

First off, I love Kanye's text style. A series of short, incomplete sentences separated into individual paragraphs. Keeps everything nice and in order. You never lose your place. It's easy to pick up where you left off if you need to take a break after sentence 3 to answer a different text message from one of you're non-insane friends. It almost reads like slam poetry. Which is precisely how I imagine Kanye West speaks to people. 

I also like the tactic of prefacing something you say with "You have no reason to respond to this." Like a 24-year old texting an ex-girlfriend who he impulsively broke up with in college. Three years later he thinks, "Aw fuck, I shouldn't have done that. I want to text her." But it was crucial to let her know that he knows she has no reason to respond to him . It shows how incredibly self-aware he's become, and how much he's grown in the last few year. That's a professional 'burned bridge fixing' move from Kanye.

Additionally, Kanye wants the nature of him and Elon Musk's relationship to change. But what type of relationship did they even have? They've both called each other friends at one point in their lives. But from what I can tell the extent of their friendship doesn't go too far beyond a couple stanced up photos (there's a few more photos out there of them together, but these ones are much funnier).  

The relationship then hit a rocky patch when Elon decided to kick Kanye off Twitter for posting a few too many swastikas.

In December of last year Elon suspended Kanye's account after he shared a picture of a swastika interlaced with a Star of David.

The post came hours after an interview with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. West sparked outrage by declaring his 'love' of Nazis and his admiration for Adolf Hitler.

I suppose that would strain a relationship. One moment you're doing hot guy, wide-base pictures together, the next minute your supposed "friend" says you can't do anti-Semitic rants on the $20 billion social media platform he bought out of boredom. I can see the beef there.

Anyways, back to the texts. Kanye wants their relationship to change, and apparently that starts with Elon knowing he is NOT bi polar. To me this says Kanye West felt as if Elon was treating him like a bi polar person. So how does Elon treat bi polar people? Did he talk down to him? Did he offer him a sweater one to many times? It's unclear. Either way, Kanye makes it apparent that he does not want to be treated that way, and would prefer to be treated as a car crash autist. Did you know that a car crash can make you autistic? Me neither. Kanye is always teaching us new things.

The text ends with a stray, "You can't watch Kim keep my kids from me" [sentence break] "And not say anything publicly and call yourself my friend so I can bring my audience to your struggling platform."

What does Kanye actually expect Elon to do? He let Kanye back on Twitter. I suppose Elon could fire off a couple pro-Kanye tweets. Maybe he could shadow ban the rest of the Kardashian family, or deploy a fleet of the thickest 18-year olds on Twitter to slander Kim and demand the return of North, Saint, Chicago, and Psalm to Kanye's unstable arms. 

I have no clue what Kanye expects to happen, but what I love about this saga is that Elon is being taught a valuable lesson. If you want to be the "cool social media CEO" and claim friendship with all the craziest, most popular, most unhinged celebrities, then eventually one of those unhinged celebrities is going to want something from you. And they're not going to ask politely. And they're most certainly not going to take no for an answer. They're going to screen shot the one-sided conversation to some guy named Ian, and Ian is going to blast it out to the world at 2:22am.

Ian, 30, - who boasts 1million followers on Instagram - began the gallery of screenshots by posting proof that the messages had come from Ye who asked him to 'get this out to the public.' 

Ball is in your court, Elon. It's either use your gigantic platform to help get your good friend Kanye's kids back, or face the wrath of Kanye & Ian. And if you call Kanye bi-polar one more time there's going to be problems. Get your bots in order now. And while you're at it, get the word out that Kanye West is autistic (from the car crash). Kind of rude of Elon to ever think Kanye was bi-polar in the first place.

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